
Dad, Chucks, and My Bloody Head

I remembered I promised myself I would post an entry today, but this is gonna be really quick. I’m too sleepy to write straight or think  straight, but a moment I just had with my Dad is too sweet to let pass.

Okay so, just a background: I’ve only had two pairs of rubber shoes my entire life, and both of them are now deceased. I am not – repeat AM NOT – a big fan of rubber shoes or sneakers, so I never really thought it was important for me to keep at least one pair, until I started using our treadmill for my daily (or weekly) workout. I finally thought the matter through, and convinced my Mom to buy me a pair of sneakers. I immediately chose the classic black Converse Chuck Taylor ones because it has always seemed to me like the rest of world has owned a pair except for me. I know they’re not exactly ideal for the treadmill, but I really REALLY don’t like the bulky ones – those which ARE ideal for working out – and I also had a vision of the cast of Glee in these Chucks, so I knew I was sold on them.

Anyway, ANYWAY (gotta make this fast ’cause my eyelids are dropping like Hades), today Mom and I had to travel an hour and a half away from home just to get my passport processed, and I decided on pairing my jeans with my new sneakers – the first in a VERY LONG TIME. The decision invoked a slight surprise on everyone in the house.

I discovered I absolutely love Converse sneakers just because they’re incredibly comfortable on my feet, and they look great with jeans and a shirt. I enjoyed wearing them so much, that when we got home, I didn’t take them off right away, preferring instead to wear them to work (in my brother’s cafe) until closing time.

Enough babbling and on to the main story: just an hour ago, before I went off to bed, I sauntered into my parents’ private living area to give my Dad a good night hug and kiss since he was leaving very early tomorrow on a business trip, and wouldn’t be returning until two weeks later. He noticed my shoes for the first time, and the following conversation ended my day perfectly:

Dad: (staring down at my black Chuck Taylors) Woah, woah, Leng. Your shoes! Since when do you wear sneakers?

Me: Since I got these. Aren’t they cute? I love them!

Dad: Yeah, they’re nice. Are they supposed to be back in trend?

Me: (laughing) They always have, Dad! Even Mom wants a pair.

Dad: Oh. (Beat.) Well, I think you’re the only one who can wear them and still look sexy. Good night.

Me: (Tongue-tied) Uh… thank you, Dad…

Call me crazy – and I know this may be a big blah for some people – but I’ve always been a Daddy’s Girl, and random sweet moments like that really lift me up. My Dad always tells me that I needn’t surround myself with compliments all the time, else I’ll blow my head off, so I rarely hear him saying things like that. But when he does, it’s really music to my ears.

And that’s it! I just had to write that down because someday, I’m gonna need to go back to this day for a little cheering up or more.

Oh, and news flash! I have a bloody head! What the Hades!

I guess my raven head could use a little color. Good night! (Trying not to freak out here!)

Inspiration Board

They’re gonna tear down my room soon to fix the ceiling, so I’m trying to come up with redecorating ideas for when they put it up again. I found these great pictures all around the Internet (bless you). No copyright infringement intended; just really need design/concept pieces. Sorry for all the picture posts – lame, I know – but my mind is busy with too many things to come up with a decent story post. I promise to get better. For now, I have to go get Mom to look at these inspiration pieces, so we can work on my room. (PS: For the record, I am way beyond bummed about having  to evacuate soon and moving in to one of our guest rooms.)

Would've been better if these were tigers instead of cats

I'd love to do that on my laptop

I heart this mosaic

I seriously want this world map

Amazing book art

I MUST HAVE an Elizabeth Taylor mural!

The Second Random Seven

That damn 5-minute blackout (that happened while I was staring intently at the mirror) freaked me out so much, all my drunken sleepiness has worn off completely. Ergo, this post.

Seven Random Things About Me:

1. I enjoy having any kind of drink/beverage in a large cup.
2. Anything from the frog family freaks me out like Hades.
3. I’ve been told to have hands that are as soft as a baby’s.
4. You’ll know I’m angry when I’m intense and quiet. You’ll know I’m more than mad when I start banging on things.
5. I honestly can eat chocolate all day. HONESTLY.
6. Pork makes me nauseous, so I don’t eat it unless it’s ABSOLUTELY the only dish served at the table.
7. Whenever I place any body part on a patterned surface, the pattern sticks to my skin, seconds later. Kind of like a stamp on a letter.

I know I said I’ll only make this list once a month, but I might make another one before July ends, most probably if I face another writer’s block or another freaking blackout.

And now, to bed I go. I forgot I had downed a couple of glasses of red wine tonight, and the alcohol is making me heady. Good night!

Sunday Comedy

I dislike Sundays – always have, always will, I suppose. To me, Sunday is the loneliest, quietest, and laziest day of the week. I think that, perhaps this is because God is resting, and He put the rest of the universe into a psychedelic slumber-like state so that He can hibernate in peace, just for one day.

So, in an attempt to cheer myself up while the household is currently in siesta, I googled FUN/FUNNY PICTURES, and got a ton of hilarious crap – they are rock solid! For my standards, at least. Anyway, I thought of making an entire post about this weird time I’m having with these pictures, and I hope you enjoy them as well. Have a fun Sunday!

End the day with a prayer. =)


Food Hiatus

WARNING: This page has content not suitable for dieters, diabetics, and manic-depressive eaters. I will not be held responsible should there be an eruption in your salivary gland, an increase in your blood sugar/cholesterol intake, or an abrupt change in your appetite, good or bad.

"Appetizers are the little things you keep eating until you lose your appetite." -Joe Moore

"One of the very nicest things about life is the way we must regularly stop whatever it is we are doing and devote our attention to eating." -Luciano Pavarotti and William Wright

"Life is a combination of magic and pasta." -Fellini

"Pizza is a lot like sex. When it's good, it's really good. When it's bad, it's still pretty good." -Anonymous

"We think fast food is equivalent to pornography, nutritionally speaking." Steve Elbert

"Caffeine isn't a drug, it's a vitamin!" -Anonymous

"All the world is birthday cake, so take a piece, but not too much." -George Harrison

"It's the finale. It's the last impression. A bad dessert can ruin the meal." -Anne McManus

I’m currently in the process of sweeping my hard drives, and I found these pictures all stacked in one folder. I’m about to delete them, but I think they’re worth posting, at any rate, so I can make it clear that no normal person could possibly resist the power of food. After seeing this post, you can call me any name you want – chocoholic, coffee-holic, cake-aholic, ice cream-aholic, pasta-holic, candy-holic, etc. – but I’m only human. HUMAN, I TELL YOU! Oh, and please don’t judge me on the fact that not only do love to eat, but that I also love taking pictures of what I’m about to eat. I SAID I’M HUMAN!